Thursday, January 01, 2015


Hello there!

In the last couple of days we celebrated Christmas and New Year as it is part of our tradition but it doesn’t really mean that much to me. I don’t know, the major part of our family doesn’t even live in Austria and so it’s been only my mom, my siblings and me. It wasn’t anything special because I’m sharing a flat with my brother in Graz, my younger brother is with us nearly every day and my sister is also living in Graz. So it was just a reunion at my hometown in Carinthia :D Anyway, it wasn’t my intention to talk about Christmas and New Year but about my hobby; baking.

The first thing I’ve baked was a “Sachertorte”, a cake made of chocolate dough with apricot jam between two layers and a cover of melted chocolate. It tasted good but it didn’t look tasteful and so I’ve tried it one more time – it was a good decision. Since then I’ve been making this kind of cake nearly every weekend even if there was no birthday, names day or feast day. After two years of baking I discovered the world of cupcakes on the internet. Food blogs, baking blogs and recipe blogs sprang up like mushrooms and so I’ve started to bake those little cakes.

The day before yesterday I was fancy about baking something and so I searched for a Tiramisu Cupcake recipe when I stumbled upon this site:
I started immediately and one hour later there’ve been 12 cupcakes ready to be eaten. 

And that’s what they’ve looked like

Unfortunately I don’t have a round tip, just a star tip and so the result was not as perfect as I wanted it to be. BUT (!) I already ordered some new tips so in future I can vary when decoration the cupcakes.

However, the recipe research went on yesterday as I decided to bake some caramel cupcakes. This is the recipe I found:

The result was much more satisfying, especially because the muffin cases were handmade (by me) :D No, but honestly....the cake was soft, fluffy and sweet whereas the topping was sourly and made the cupcake just perfect. By the way, the cake was even filled with a homemade caramel sauce. *yummy* 

Maybe you’re wondering why I didn’t look up some recipes in English. The answer is quite simple. I don’t have those “cups” which are often used in those recipes to weigh something and when I’m looking for recipes I’m not in the mood to search for the right gram units. I will probably buy some of those “cups” one day, but who knows?

Well, that’s it for today – have a nice evening :)

Stay tuned!

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