Monday, October 19, 2015

Good Bye Summer - Hello Autumn!

Dear readers,


The summer break is over and so my everyday’s life as a student is returning back. And, speaking of which, I just came home in my socks, soaking wet - ugh. But I have to admit that I love this time of the year, when the leaves are changing to a beautiful yellow or red color just to fall down a few days later and cover the gray streets and the small paths in the woods.

Anyway, I don’t want to talk about autumn and winter that much for now because winter is coming fast enough.


Actually, I wanted to tell you about my trip to Croatia and Italy with my sister and a friend of ours. We started our trip in Villach and were on the way to Poreč when our mother called and told us that we should visit our aunt who is living near Poreč. We didn’t hesitate as we see her only every now and then and took the road to Vižinada. She was pretty surprised as we rang the bell and she looked down from the balcony to see us stepping back from the door and waving our hands, saying “hi”. We then talked a bit, drank a beer from Germany we’ve never seen before and ate some figs from her garden. 


After eating a really good pizza from a local pizzeria we decided to hit the road again so we would finally get to our hostel in the city center. At this point I should maybe mention that it took us about 9 hours to get from Villach to Poreč, which is usually a 3-hours drive. :D

view from my aunts house

I don’t want to tell you in detail what we did in Croatia, because I think everyone is doing the same when making holidays in Croatia – we ate and drank A LOT and went to the sea as it was only a 5-minute walk from our hostel called “Papalinna” which I can seriously recommend!


After 4 days in Croatia we travelled on to Italy, more precisely to Vignola where we stayed at a friend’s apartment. Vignola is a city in the province of Modena in the Emilia-Romagna region and just about 40 minutes away by car from the city. I didn’t like the city that much, but we’ve been to a bar, where you can go and get snacks from the bar when ordering your first drink. I must say, I liked it a lot! :D The next day we wandered around Vignola and took part in a guided tour through the castle where we saw the remarkable staircase you can see in the picture below.

Palazzo Barozzi - elliptical staircase

 One day before we headed back to Austria we visited Bologna, one of the most famous cities in Italy. I have to say that I kind of fell in love with this city, big and friendly at the same time. A city I’m definitely going to visit for a second time! 

Unfortunately, we had to go back to Austria on Friday and so there wasn’t enough time to visit more of the cities Vignola is surrounded by. But our next trip to Vignola will bring us to Firenze, Ferrara and maybe to Rimini ;). We will see!

That’s it for now :)


PS: More pictures


mhhhhh, fish

La torta Barozzi

Pyraser beer

no title for this one

delicious Greek food in Bologna

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