Monday, December 29, 2014


Hello there!

I’m back again. :)

The today’s post is going to be about my second language I study since October; Russian. For a long time I had no idea what I’m going to do after taking the A-levels. First I thought that I’m going to be a confectioner but then I realized that baking is just a hobby. Due to the fact that I wasn’t that bad at learning languages (at least at school) I decided to study languages. The choice wasn’t that hard and so I’ve chosen English and Russian.

Maybe you’re wondering why Russian.

Well, I’ve always been crazy about learning Russian and fortunately it was offered as an optional subject at my school but there’ve been just a few participants so the course wasn’t set up. This was one more reason why I’ve chosen Russian as my second language. Thirdly, Russian is gaining more and more importance in the economy and as I’m going to be a translator I'll probably have better chances finding a job.

As you may know, we are expected to study abroad or to do a traineeship abroad. So I’m going to stay in Russia for at least a semester which is going to be amazing. I’ve already read about some experiences of one of my colleagues about her stay in Russia on her blog. She also wrote about her host family and that her host father offered some homemade vodka (like many of you already know - a beverage made of fermented grains or potatoes). Too bad I don’t like vodka but maybe my host family won’t have their own, homemade vodka (I really hope so) :D haha...

Up to now I made a really good experience with my Russian language course. We are proceeding very rapidly and so we will finish the units by end of January. The only thing which takes me really long is writing. Sometimes I need two hours to finish two pages. But it will get better for sure.  ;)  

Well, the post was not as long as my other posts but it gave you an insight in my personal life, but take this potato as excuse. :D

 пока́ :) 
(this means "see you later" in Russian)

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