Thursday, December 18, 2014

The sweet side of Graz

Hello everybody!

This post is going to be the very first post I have ever written and made accessible for the entire internet community. All blog posts will be written in English due to the fact that it is a part of the course English Language and Culture which I attend since October this year. Our teacher will assign us different topics to make sure we have some material we can write about BUT we (me and my colleagues) are also allowed to write so called “free posts” to introduce our interests and hobbies to our readership.

So in the last few days I was thinking about several interesting things that are worth writing about when the word “Graz” just popped up in my head. And I was like “yeah, why not”. This post is not going to be about the popular and beautiful sights you can find in this city. No, it is going to be about a small and lovely cupcake bakery (which is easy to be overlooked from the outside) I have been at and which you can find in the “Münzgrabenstraße 23”.  The name of the bakery is “Take the cake” and you should follow this call because the cupcakes are incredibly delicious as you can see at the picture below!! 

  Half-eaten cupcake; ‘cause who would wait and take a picture first???

But it is not only the variety of these little cakes that makes this bakery so lovely. When you walk through the door of the bake shop you feel like you are entering a different world. Everything is either pink or white (pink is not really my favourite colour but it matches perfectly with the concept of the shop) and the furniture invites the customers to sit down and have a cup of coffee, tea or just one of these perfect cupcakes.

I really enjoyed sitting there and spotting all the details like the cupcake print on the curtains which had a small cupcake-clothespin on it or the cupcake print on the wall clock and so on while having a cup of coffee plus one of the “Tiramisu Cupcakes” which I am definitely going to eat again one day! 

Here are some other pictures

 Stay tuned!

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